Comcast thinks it ok to install public wifi in your house

Curtis L. Parish Curtis.Parish at
Thu Dec 11 21:42:06 UTC 2014

On the converse side I live in a neighborhood that has quite a bit of distance between houses yet I can still a couple of neighborhood SSIDs.    If one of their guests hops on to my Xfinity Wifi it is going to be with a weak signal.   Their weak signal is going to drag down the performance of the wireless network for all the users on the access point.    

 Comcast enabled the  Xfinity Wifi on my modem and I had a five month battle with them to trying to get it turned off.   Comcast kept telling me I did not have a wireless gateway and I must be seeing my neighbors signal.   They never could fix their records so they sent me a new modem.     A month later I got a letter saying they were turning on the Xfinity Wifi.  This time I was able to log in and turn it off.


Curtis Parish
Senior Network Engineer
Middle Tennessee State University 

>In analyzing my neighbors who use comcast (I live in a townhouse and can see many access points) my biggest complaint is the the wifi pollution these comcast >router/access-points cause.

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