ASR9K xml agent vs netconf

Jared Mauch jared at
Thu Aug 14 15:41:36 UTC 2014

Did cisco bother to open any DDTSes on the issues you saw?  I’ve found that they care very little about these “automation” issues because they have zero automation in their lab testing that reflects how someone truly uses a device.  I’ve been through many iterations with Cisco on this front with their ARF teams, platform teams, BU teams, etc.. they all have to be a very strategic engagement to get these things properly fixed and made usable.

I am interested in anyone trying to use any of these agents.. I suspect they all worked before the RP went x86 and like you said, nobody tests them now.

(please respond off-list)

- Jared

> On Aug 5, 2014, at 9:32 AM, Dale W. Carder <dwcarder at> wrote:
> I wasted a week of my life trying to get xml interface on n9k to work
> correctly.  I would never use it again, as it obviously gets no QA.  
> There is likely a fundamental design flaw in that the cli is not itself 
> an xml client like you see on other platforms.  The XML interface, and
> CLI (presumably netconf) may all be distinct clients to sysdb.  I did 
> get (3) ddts' assigned, related to missing data compared to cli, endian 
> issues, etc.  My recommendation is DO NOT USE IT.  
> I went back to screen scraping for ios-xr.  Related to this and other
> issues, all of our subsequent purchases have been MX.

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