DNS Issue with proofpoint.com

Jaren Angerbauer jarenangerbauer at gmail.com
Wed Apr 16 09:27:41 UTC 2014


Sending this out (to multiple lists -- apologies for the potential
duplicates) in the hopes to proactively resolve any mail flow issues to /
from Proofpoint customers.

Earlier this evening, we had some DNS issues with our domain (proofpoint.com).
We've resolved the main problem, however, due to old cached DNS
information, the fall out now is that *many* (i.e. hundreds at this point)
customers are are seeing major email delays.

For any DNS operators, it would be much appreciated if you could flush your
DNS servers for proofpoint.com.

Among other providers, we are still seeing delays with mail flow to ATT
Wireless and Verizon Wireless.

Thanks in advance for your assistance on this.

Jaren Angerbauer
Deliverability & ISP Relations Manager

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