nokiamail spam

Alexander Maassen outsider at
Mon Jun 3 19:17:46 UTC 2013

Could someone from yahoo please contact me off list please? Because I
really want something to be done against the recent spam mail floods
from without needing to harm yahoo itself by adding them
to dnsbl as it would harm more users then just the intended target in
order to protect users from these spams.

The abuse has been going on for weeks, and I hardly see any improvements
in solving those. I encourage yahoo to make it clear to nokia that this
abuse has to end. I myself receive these mails multiple times a day on
several mailboxes. Googling around tells me there are millions others
suffering from the same spams as well.

To put it in a simple quote: When... does.... the... hurting... end?

Kind regards,
Alexander Maassen
Maintainer DroneBL
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