LinkedIn password database compromised

JC Dill jcdill.lists at
Thu Jun 7 14:58:18 UTC 2012

On 07/06/12 6:36 AM, Peter Kristolaitis wrote:
> Plus, now you have the problem of users not being able to login to 
> their favourite websites when they're using a friend's computer, 
> internet cafe, etc, unless they've remembered to bring a copy of their 
> private key with them.

I've run into this problem with setting up accounts on aps on my 
smartphone.  A secure password that is relatively easy to type on a 
regular keyboard becomes a PITA to type on a smartphone.  There are a 
number of sites I simply don't use on my phone because the hassle of 
setting up each site's ap is greater than the benefit I get from 
accessing it via the phone.


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