juniper mx80 vs cisco asr 1000

amaged at amaged at
Mon Jan 23 15:29:57 UTC 2012

ASR 1000 does not run XR. You probably mean XE. 

The high availability features that requires maintaining state and stateful switch over never seem to work out of the box on early releases and need some time until the feature gets mature. I've found this across different vendors.

The dual IOS process works best with two Routing Engines/ESPs on higher models.  contact your local vendor engineering representatives asking them for more details on the the ASR1K High Availability features and they should tell you how it works in detail.

Sent using BlackBerry® from mobinil

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Tinka <mtinka at>
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2012 22:58:45 
To: <nanog at>
Reply-To: mtinka at
Subject: Re: juniper mx80 vs cisco asr 1000

On Friday, January 20, 2012 04:34:56 AM Thomas Donnelly 

> The warm standby IOS is a nice
> feature for in service upgrades and crash avoidance.

Except that some times, it did lead to crash (for us 
anyway), because it eats up half the router's memory, and if 
you're running 3x full tables or more, you ran out of the 
other half and BOOM! And that was IOS XR 2, which is 
generally old now.

We now turn off software redundancy now on all ASR1000 boxes 
that don't have a 2nd RP.


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