The growth of municipal broadband networks

Martin Millnert millnert at
Fri Mar 25 19:04:43 UTC 2011


On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 2:31 PM, Paul Graydon <paul at> wrote:
> Ars Technica has a short article up about the growth of municipal networks,
> but principally a nice little 'hey check out this website'
> (
> I'm curious how the feeling is on NANOG about shifting such provision
> towards municipal instead of corporations?  I guess a rough summary of the
> competing views I've heard so far are:

With experience from Sweden, which has seen many varying incantations
of these sort of networks, I have this hopefully useful bit to share:
It's OK for tax-payer money to build layer-1 infrastructure if it
decides so, that non-tax payer money can sell services on, but fail
starts to happen the very moment they decide to go higher than that.

That's... all.


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