
Cutler James R james.cutler at
Tue Jul 12 15:45:29 UTC 2011

On Jul 12, 2011, at 11:02 AM, Thomas Donnelly wrote:

> I received no spam, and had I received 2 pieces, it may have been slightly irritating.
> What is irritating is the sheer number of people complaining about it. Can we stop please? I think they get it.
> -=Tom

Tom, you are one of the lucky ones -- I have received over two dozen SPAM via NANOG in the last 24 hours.

And, yes, it would be gratifying to know why the change - is the new configuration less expensive? (to the list manager, not us, obviously)

Also, where is the reply to header?

James R. Cutler
james.cutler at

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