Blocking International DNS

David Conrad drc at
Thu Dec 2 01:18:42 UTC 2010

On Dec 1, 2010, at 11:41 AM, Randy Bush wrote:
> the more i think about this, the more i am inclined to consider a second
> trusted root not (easily) attackable by the usg, who owns the root now,
> or the acta vigilantes.  as dissent becomes less tolerated, let alone
> supported, we may want to attempt to ensure it in our deployments.

Wouldn't this simply change the focus of who can attack from the USG (which, as far as I am aware, has not attacked the root) to some other government (or worse, the UN)?  Given a handle, folks are going to want to grab it when they feel a need to control, regardless of who the folks are.  It'd be nice to remove the handle, but that appears to be a very hard problem...


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