ARIN IP6 policy for those with legacy IP4 Space

Mr. James W. Laferriere babydr at
Thu Apr 8 17:49:53 UTC 2010

 	Hello Stephen ,

On Thu, 8 Apr 2010, Stephen Sprunk wrote:

> On 07 Apr 2010 16:17, Gary E. Miller wrote:
>> On Wed, 7 Apr 2010, Owen DeLong wrote:
>>> If you are an end-user type organization, the fee is only $100/year
>>> for all your resources, IPv4 and IPv6 included.  Is that really what
>>> you would call significant?
>> As always, the devil is in the deetails.
>> From:
> The proper URL for the below quote is
> <>.
>> "The annual fee will be $100 USD until 2013, at which time ARIN's Board
>> of Trustees may choose to raise the fee."
> Note that the LRSA specifies that the fee increase cannot be more than
> $25/yr.
>> Then scroll down to the fees you can expect in 2013.  Especially note
>> how the small guys get hit much harder per IP.
> This is the section at
> <>.
> That section applies only to _allocations_, which are what ISPs get.
> The maintenance fee for _assignments_, which is what end users orgs get,
> has always been $100/yr.  No waiver is necessary, and AFAIK the BoT has
> made never made any noises about increasing the assignment maintenance fee.
> And, really, even if the fee for your /48 (X-small category) assignment
> maintenance fee went up to $1250/yr to match the current allocation
> maintenance fee table, would that really be "significant" in the grand
> scheme of things?
> S
 	Try that fee while trying to make a living in a depressed econimic 
region JUST for an ipv4 /24 Assignment .  I don't make enough to cover that '.' 
 	Sorry this is getting to be a too frequent line of .... out of eveyones 
mouth & does not cover the facts for those who don't have the $ resources to 
break past this line of thinking to be able to forge ahead with plans to expand 
 		Twyl ,  JimL
| James   W.   Laferriere | System    Techniques | Give me VMS     |
| Network&System Engineer | 3237     Holden Road |  Give me Linux  |
| babydr at | Fairbanks, AK. 99709 |   only  on  AXP |

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