Traceroute management

Scott Berkman scott at
Tue Jun 9 19:45:27 UTC 2009

Try SmokePing (which includes SmokeTrace now):

You could also just use a cronjob and output the results to a flat file or
database if you prefer something home grown.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dylan Ebner [mailto:dylan.ebner at] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 09, 2009 3:28 PM
To: nanog at
Subject: Traceroute management

My company uses it's internet connection primarily for VPN tunneling. I
have always wanted a tool that I can enter the peer ip addresses and it
will every 8 or 12 hours run a traceroute and log it so I can build
historical maps of the path our traffic is taking. Has anyone ever seen
any apps like this, preferably something that is free.

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