Bill Woodcock woody at pch.net
Fri Apr 17 19:05:49 UTC 2009

Sorry, hit "send" a little early, by accident.

On Apr 17, 2009, at 11:52 AM, Paul Vixie wrote:
> with the advent of vlan tags, the whole idea of CSMA for IXP  
> networks is passe.
> just put each pair of peers into their own private tagged vlan.

I'm not sure whether you're being sarcastic, and if I'm not sure, I  
bet people who don't know you really aren't sure.  So:  the only  
nominal IXP I know of where that's really been experimented with  
seriously is MYIX, in Kuala Lumpur, where it's been a notable  
failure.  The other 300-and-some IXPs do things normally, with an IX  
subnet that people can peer across.  So, the advent of standardized . 
1Q tags in 1998, preceded by ISL for many years before that, has not  
yet rendered the 99.6% majority best-practice passe.

Just a clarification.


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