v6 gluelessness

Randy Bush randy at psg.com
Sat Jan 19 01:07:35 UTC 2008

> existing policy states that IANA is not supposed to make changes to
> TLDs (especially ccTLDs which are considered to have national
> sovereignty issues tied up with them) that have not been explicitly
> requested by the administrative and technical contacts for the zone.

seems perfectly reasonable.

but, in actual fact, this does not change the ccTLD's zone file or date 
one bit. the request is to add a AAAA RR to the existing A RR *for my 
server* in the root zone to act as glue.  the ccTLDs' delegations are 
not changed by one bit.

> I believe the idea is that there was concern that ICANN (seen as a
> pawn of the US government in many quarters) could pull the rug out
> from under a ccTLD admin without their knowledge.  That would be bad.

i strongly agree with this goal.  i also see icann as a pawn of the usg 
and have been very unhappy about this for a loooong time.  but you knew 
that already.

what i do not see is how it is relevant in this particular case.  no one 
is asking to change any ccTLD.

the iana publishes data about one of *my* servers.  these data have 
become erroneous by omission. i am merely asking that they be fixed.

is the horse dead yet? :)


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