[NANOG] AS3300-BT Infonet sends full table to AS1239-Sprint

Randy Epstein repstein at chello.at
Sat Apr 26 19:33:23 UTC 2008


At ~19:00 UTC today, AS3300-BT/Infonet announced their full routing table to
AS1239-Sprint, and Sprint accepted it and re-announced it to all of their
peers and transit customers.


*>               100      0 1239 3300 21484
6661 3257 701 703 80 i

As a peer of AS3300, our max-prefix filters knocked down the session
immediately at multiple peering points in the US and Europe.

After ~20 minutes, we started noticing AS3300 announcements via some of our
other peers, that we wouldn't normally see.

Anyone from AS3300 on the list to explain?


Randy Epstein

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