Google wants to be your Internet

Niels Bakker niels=nanog at
Mon Jan 22 17:28:05 UTC 2007

* nanog at (Jim Shankland) [Mon 22 Jan 2007, 18:21 CET]:
>"Travis H." <travis+ml-nanog at> writes:
>>IIRC, someone representing the electrical companies approached 
>>someone representing network providers, possibly the IETF, to 
>>ask about the feasibility of using IP to monitor the electrical 
>>meters throughout the US....
>>The response was "yeah, well, maybe with IPv6".
>Which is nonsense.  More gently, it's only true if you not only 
>want to use IP to monitor electrical meters, but want the use 
>the (global) Internet to monitor electrical meters.
>I'd love to hear the business case for why my home electrical meter 
>needs to be directly IP-addressable from an Internet cafe in Lagos.

It's not nonsense.  Those elements need to be unique.  RFC1918 isn't 
unique enough (think what happens during a corporate merger).

	-- Niels.

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