v6 subnet size for DSL & leased line customers

Mark Townsley townsley at cisco.com
Sat Dec 22 09:45:51 UTC 2007

Joe Greco wrote:
> I'd say skip the /64 and /48.  Don't do the /64, as future-proofing.  A
> /48 is just something I cannot see need for, given the number of addresses
> available as a /56, unless the "home user" is actually providing
> connectivity to a bunch of his nearby friends and neighbors.
> Having fewer options is going to be easier for the ISP, I suspect.
Not just the ISP, but the home user, and the designers of the devices 
for the home. As you point out, device configuration in the home needs 
to be as simple as possible. It would be nice if designers of new 
networked home devices (particularly those that that would like to use 
media types which might not be readily bridged to other common media 
types) could have some reasonable assurance up front that they have the 
option of an IPv6 subnet in the home to use. This would then be one less 
thing to try and automatically discover, ask the user to configure 
information about, develop a workaround for, etc. Less options is a very 
good thing here, and rampant /64s could well paint the device 
manufacturers into a corner on what tools IPv6 gives them to take 
advantage of.

- Mark
> ... JG

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