mitigating botnet C&Cs has become useless

Danny McPherson danny at
Sun Aug 13 15:02:41 UTC 2006

On Aug 13, 2006, at 8:35 AM, Laurence F. Sheldon, Jr. wrote:

> Danny McPherson wrote:
>> As importantly, broadband SPs are trying to move to triple (quad)
>> play services, how tolerant do you think your average subscriber is
>> to losing cable television services because their kid downloaded some
>> malware?
> At least one of us would applaud an effort to hold people  
> accountable for what
> they and their kids do.

Oops, I see how you could spin it that way...  Let me spin it back..

What if the malware your kid's PC (or better yet, your PC) was just
infected with came through a virus received in email for which no fix
was currently available and the resident AV solution was unaware?

Now you can't watch the game tonight, or your favorite show, or use
skype to chat with your daughter in Europe, or check your email, [or
call 911?] all because the malware triggered something on the network
side that resulted in you being "walled gardened"?

My position here is aligned with Sean's and Arjan's.  IF you were able
to offer any such "walled-garden" services it's not simply a binary  
there's a large array of variables that need to be accounted for
technically - entirely independent of the economic ones surrounding
services that are hardly profitable already.

I believe there exists a significant opportunity here for such value- 
for broadband and other services alike, but it's at least initially  
going to
be a rather complicated one.


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