data center space

Alex Rubenstein alex at
Thu Apr 20 00:11:55 UTC 2006

> On many of the public colo houses earnings calls, they told
> analysts that they are trying to keep contracts to one year
> so they can raise prices year over year, that power pricing is
> fluid and many facilities are being expanded both space and
> environmental, that most locations really are full or being held
> down by lack of cooling for existing dense rack space. Basically
> get ready to hold out your wallet.

Is it that?

Or, is it some of these companies no realising that charging $250 for a 20 
amp outlet is less than their cost, even three years ago?

Alex Rubenstein, AR97, K2AHR, alex at, latency, Al Reuben
Net Access Corporation, 800-NET-ME-36,

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