Economics of spam

Niels Bakker niels=nanog at
Mon Jun 13 14:44:12 UTC 2005

* Michael.Dillon at (Michael.Dillon at [Mon 13 Jun 2005, 11:10 CEST]:
>Here's a simple mechanism which has not yet been tried 
>seriously. Email server peering. This means that an SMTP 
>server operator only accepts incoming mail from operators  
>with whom they have a bilateral email peering agreement.

I debunked this before.  Please see list archives.

>Bilateral agreements have been shown to scale quite well 
>whether you look at BGP peering or the world of business 
>contracts. In any case, the fundamental need here is that

I suggest you take a better look than your current "Oh this sounds 
logical and is probably how it works" skimming of reality, because it 
really is quite different - much uglier, mostly - from what you state.

	-- Niels.

                              The idle mind is the devil's playground

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