improving the registrar transfer process

Bruce Tonkin Bruce.Tonkin at
Thu Jan 20 23:20:13 UTC 2005

Hello William,

> We know how to do 3-way handshakes.  Rather a fundamental of 
> the Internet.  So quickly folks forget....
> We knew in advance that the VRSN/NetSol/whatever protocol was 
> terrible, and that the ICANN policy change was not going to 
> be helpful.

The ICANN policy change had no impact on this particular incident.

As the incident has been documented so far, the transfer would have
occurred under both the old and the new policy.

With respect to the protocol.  An IETF process was used to develop the
EPP protocol as a replacement for RRP.

With respect to notifications of transfers, the new protocol handles
this by a message queue at the registry.   (ie email is no longer the

It might be useful to consider reviewing the protocol to ensure that a
transfer cannot proceed unless the losing registrar system confirms
receipt of the transfer request.


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