Schneier: ISPs should bear security burden

Owen DeLong owen at
Wed Apr 27 05:42:53 UTC 2005

Why do ISPs owe this to their customers.  I expect my ISP to deliver
packets sent to me, and, to pass along packets I send out.  That is
the sum total of what I expect from my ISP, and, it's what my contract
says is supposed to happen.  Where does this belief that when user A
at company Y sends a packet full of garbage to user B ad company Z
the ISP at either end is responsible for the contents of the packet?

That's like making the phone company responsible for the content of
a conversation or saying that Safeway distribution is responsible
for the content of Arrowhead spring water bottles that reach Safeway


--On Wednesday, April 27, 2005 8:54 +0530 Suresh Ramasubramanian 
<ops.lists at> wrote:

> On 4/27/05, Fergie (Paul Ferguson) <fergdawg at> wrote:
>> I've been there -- I know how I feel about it -- but I'd love
>> to know how ISP operations folk feel about this.
> He's right.  ISPs owe it to their users, if not to the rest of the
> Internet community, to do this.
> A lot of it is also part of the MAAWG bcps on spam (though the BCPs,
> when implemented, will do a lot more good than just cut down on spam)

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