Points on your Internet driver's license (was RE: Even you can

Paul Vixie paul at vix.com
Sun Jun 13 00:33:08 UTC 2004

> So you claim even the ISPs you ran yourself have never attempted to do
> any of these things?

the last access-side isp i had anything to do with running used uucp and
shell and was just getting going on c-slip when i pushed off.  (i assure
that any rmail or rnews spam was grounds for suspension during my watch.)

my last gig at a colo-side isp ended with me moving over to paix due to
the board's discomfort over my policies toward certain colo-side customers
(who have since improved, yay.)

> If you didn't do them, why do you think other people should?

so you aren't going to google for "chemical polluter business model", huh?

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