Outbound Route Optimization

Jim Devane jim at powerpulse.cc
Wed Jan 21 20:27:16 UTC 2004



I am trying to determine for myself the relevance of Intelligent Routing
Devices like Sockeye, Route Science etc. I am not trying to determine who
does it better, but rather if the concept of optimizing routes is addressing
a significant problem in terms of improved traffic performance ( not in cost
savings of disparate transit pipes )

I am interested in hearing other views ( both for and against ) these
devices in the context of optimizing latency for a small multi-homed ISP. I
want to make sure I understand their context correctly and have not missed
any important points of view. 

            My questions are these:


"Is sub-optimal routing caused by BGP so pervasive it needs to be

"Are these devices able to effectively address the need?"





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