Looking for Abovenet/NetAccess contact

Suresh Ramasubramanian suresh at outblaze.com
Sat Jan 10 14:47:11 UTC 2004

>>>> Dick Cocks [10/01/04 14:51 +0800]:

I wonder why this guy has so less sense as to keep creating accounts on a
service that has an AUP against forgery.

Now, which nanog poster do we know who 

* Lives in NYC (the last two morphs he used to post to nanog were from new
  york based dsl lines - roadrunner, and now mindspring)

* Has a lot of interest in suppressing hijacked netblocks

[again, both these are rather good things, in themselves]

and ...

* Is nutcase enough to fake (and vulgarly parody) another nanog poster's


ps - These are rhetorical questions. I have a feeling I know just who this
is.  So - to the forger, please lay off creating dropboxes on domains that we
host.  I'm not a complete idiot that I can't figure out who is trying to
troll and forge email from a network I control.

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