Where can I find a list of IPs and their regions.

Arnold Nipper arnold at nipper.de
Tue Feb 10 00:53:18 UTC 2004

On 10.02.2004 01:43 Matthew Crocker wrote:
> I've look at IANA but it doesn't give enough detailed information.  I 
> would like to find a list of /8 or /16s and what geographic region the 
> exist in.  I know it isn't an exact science but something close would be 
> nice.  I know 210/8 & 211/8 are APNIC, I likes to know stuff like 
> 210.100/16 is Korea and 210.120/16 is China, etc.   Does anyone have a 
> list I can pull from?

Have a look at http://www.aso.icann.org/stats/index.html and retrieve 
up-to-date files from APNIC, ARIN, LACNIC and RIPE.

-- Arnold

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