Unflattering comments about ISPs and DDOS

J.D. Falk jdfalk at cybernothing.org
Tue Dec 7 03:13:50 UTC 2004

On 12/06/04, "Blake L. Smith - XtremeBandwidth.com, Inc." <blake at xtremebandwidth.com> wrote: 

> Since Comcast allows spamming (doesn't do anything to stop it) people
> should start spamming the phones at the help desk and let them know
> about the spam on their network. Although - two wrongs don't make a
> right.

	Also, that's been tried before (first instance I can remember
	being AGIS, circa 1996-1997), and has never had any appreciable 
	direct effect.  Other tactics still work better.

J.D. Falk                                                   okay, what's next?
<jdfalk at cybernothing.org>

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