16-bit ASN kludge

Edward B. Dreger eddy+public+spam at noc.everquick.net
Fri Dec 3 16:48:06 UTC 2004

Perhaps transit networks should receive 16-bit ASNs.  Leaf networks
would use { a special ASN | I'm still brainstorming | who knows } and
carry an "available upstreams" BGP tag for each upstream.

Metrics are calculated for each transit AS.  Those metrics are then
combined with <as yet unspecified intelligence in "available upstreams"
tag> for each leaf ASN.

BGP loop detection might present a problem if all leaf ASNs use, say,
16-bit AS65535.  If existing allowas-in is too coarse, refer to "32-bit
ASN" BGP attribute for fine-grained control.

In short: I'm trying to think up a mechanism that performs full Dijkstra
calculations _only_ for transit networks, and uses some cheaper version
for the degenerate case of a leaf network.

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