What *are* they smoking?

Nathan J. Mehl memory-nanog at blank.org
Tue Sep 16 06:12:46 UTC 2003

In the immortal words of Wayne E. Bouchard (web at typo.org):
> So then now instead of mail to misspelled domains, instead of
> bouncing, now goes to /dev/null and you have no idea that your
> critically important piece of information didn't get through?

You _hope_ it goes to /dev/null.

It might be interesting to seed a few pieces of "accidentally" typo'ed
mail to .net domains and see how many of the "From" addresses get
sales email from Verisign in the coming year.

And I'm sure that the Department of Homeland Security would not be
even slightly interested in performing signal analysis on the vast
majority of mis-typed emails in this and most other countries.

Interesting times.


-----------------------------------------------------------<memory at blank.org>
 "So perhaps the factor constraining the Internet's growth is "good taste."
                                                               (--Paul Vixie)

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