OT. - The end of inet-access

Andy Dills andy at xecu.net
Mon Jan 13 22:04:35 UTC 2003

On Mon, 13 Jan 2003, JC Dill wrote:

> At 11:51 AM 01/13/2003 -0900, you wrote:
>  >
>  >Just wondering if anyone here has some info ?
>  >Any idea if the final nail is in inet-access ?
> If there is a rumor going around that the end of inet-access is near,
> someone forgot to tell me anything about it.  The inet-access list is alive
> and well, with ~1000 subscribers, and over 100 posts so far in January
> 2003.  (I know, that's a low number when compared to nanog, but then again
> we tend to stay on-topic a bit more over there.)

I think the primary problem is that a lot of people were subscribed
through twistedpair.ca, which was a redistributer of the list (i.e. you
would subscribe to inet-access at mx.twistedpair.ca, and get the
list at inet-access.net mails).

They're also the primary result when searching for "inet-access archives"
on google. It appears that sometime in september, they got unsubscribed
from inet-access, and as a result, people who were subscribed through
them, and people who follow along through the archives (like myself), were
given the impression it was completely dead.

As for inet-access being more on-topic than NANOG, that's only because the
scope of NANOG is much more narrow. On inet-access, you're only off topic
if you're not talking about issues related to providing internet access.

Another possible reason inet-access is more on-topic is because JC's ten
times more dictatorial than Susan. She doesn't care if you've been posting
for 7 years, if you annoy her, you're gone unless you do what she tells
you to. But I'm bitter and biased...mea culpa.


Andy Dills                              301-682-9972
Xecunet, LLC                            www.xecu.net
Dialup * Webhosting * E-Commerce * High-Speed Access

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