Fw: GLBX ICMP rate limiting (was RE: Tier-1 without their own backbone?)

Sean Donelan sean at donelan.com
Fri Aug 29 03:32:03 UTC 2003

On Thu, 28 Aug 2003, Christopher L. Morrow wrote:
> perhaps a change in vendors is in order? I can't see why people would lie
> about this, or why they'd listen to the 'request' from DHS in the first
> place ;( Oh well.

Mike Fisher, Pennsylvania's attorney general, has sent letters to an
unknown number of ISPs over the past few months demanding that the ISPs
block Pennsylvania subscribers' access to at least 423 websites or face a
$5,000 fine, according to news reports.


How the blocks will affect law enforcement across North America would
depend on which ISP their departments are using, among other factors. But
Morris pointed out that WorldCom was ordered by a judge to comply with the
Pennsylvania law last September. WorldCom owns UUNet, and the U.S.
government is one of UUNet's biggest customers.

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