Fun new policy at AOL

Petri Helenius pete at
Thu Aug 28 16:14:48 UTC 2003

Matthew Crocker wrote:

> Technically no,  There is no reason for a customer to have direct 
> access to the net so long as the ISP can provide appropriate proxies 
> for the services required.
> It gets complex, it gets hard to manage but it can be done.  There is 
> a stigma against proxing because of the early days when stale content 
> was all over the place.  Does a dynamically assigned dialup/DSL user 
> even need a valid routable IP?   For games?  Maybe games should be 
> more NAT friendly.

How many ISPs actively provide ALG´s for the 50% of their traffic which 
consists of the
peer2peer applications? Or is the most popular "killer app" not a 
required service?

RIAA & friends would love you if you declared HTTP the only allowed 
protocol. Would
also give a boost to the applications implementing IP over HTTP.


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