list problems?

up at up at
Wed May 22 21:20:20 UTC 2002

On Wed, 22 May 2002, Leo Bicknell wrote:

> If you ever want to become a team leader, or a manger, or run a
> theoretical group you are going to need the math and English
> backgrounds that college provides.  You may also need a deeper
> knowledge of hardware and software to understand a vendors limits,
> and work with them on appropriate solutions.  You will need to be
> able to work on large projects, involving many people to do complex
> tasks, all part of what college can help you learn.

I really thought I was going to stay out of this, but I can't ignore this;
sorry to those that are justifiably irritated by this thread:

I'm not dismissing that a college education has real value, but let's keep
it in perspective.  Real-world example:  I have only a few college
credits.  Since I'm almost 41, I don't see myself finding time to pursue
it much further.  My wife, on the other hand, just got her Phd from an
Ivy League institution.  I don't think anyone that knows us feels that she
has a much better grasp of English or Math than I do.  She has a *much*
better grasp of her field (Sociology) than I will ever have, and I have a
much better grasp of mine than she ever will.

My point is this:  There is no magic switch or metamorphosis that occurs
when one gets a degree.  It's an admirable achievement, but IMHO, no more
so than starting an ISP from scratch and building it into a profitable
business.  I could easily make a case that the latter is a better "real
world" lesson.  It certainly is a better real world bread winner.

> So, do you need a degree to get a job?  Absolutely not.  Can you
> make the same money initially without a degree, most likely.
> However, I suspect you'll find more often than not without one in
> 5 years you'll have gotten your 10% raise and still be a grunt,
> while your coworkers who had that preparation will have been moved
> up to roles with more responsibility, and significantly more money.

This is probably correct, unfortunately.  That is why, after all is said
and done, I would strongly encourage anyone who's started school to at
least get a BA/BS.  For real and perceived reasons, it leaves one with
more options...and you won't need to haul around that big chip on your
shoulder for the rest of your life, like I do. :=)

James Smallacombe		      PlantageNet, Inc. CEO and Janitor
up at	

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