verio arrogance

up at up at
Thu Jul 18 20:18:09 UTC 2002

On Thu, 18 Jul 2002, Ralph Doncaster wrote:

> And your suggestion has technical deficiencies as well.  I have a leased
> line between Toronto and Ottawa, so I want to announce my Ottawa IPs to my
> Toronto transit provider as well as an Ottawa transit provider.  And the
> reverse for the Toronto IPs.  My understand is trying to punch holes in PA
> space is much more difficult than de-aggregating ARIN PI space.

I can't really see why, as long as the provider has punched the
appropriate hole for your aggregate in their filters.  More specific
routes always win out.  Or am I missing your point?

James Smallacombe		      PlantageNet, Inc. CEO and Janitor
up at	

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