Now:Power/Generators (Was: Re[2]: telehouse - 25 broadway)

David Lesher wb8foz at
Sun Sep 16 23:20:24 UTC 2001

Unnamed Administration sources reported that Lincoln Dale said:
>   - Gas is typically harder to store lots of than Diesel.  LOTS harder.
>     one of the 'nice' properties of Diesel is that it doesn't catch fire 
> easily. (except under extreme
>     temperature or extreme pressure, or both).
>     you most definitely cannot say the same thing about Gas.

Yes, Diesel is more benign that gasoline/petrol or LPG/natural gas.
(It's not clear which you mean given international variations
in English..)

Its flashpoint is ~110F. Gasoline's about -34F. 

But note Diesel is the close brother to another substance...

Jet fuel is literally #1 Diesel /aka kerosene. So once it's lit,
the flashpoint is equally moot.

A host is a host from coast to coast.................wb8foz at
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