Un /.'d news sites

Scott Call scall at devolution.com
Tue Sep 11 15:54:05 UTC 2001

I just wanted to pass along www.sfgate.com as a source of news on this
attack that doesn't seem to have been /.'d   They, of course, don't have
original content, but do have all the AP/Reuters stuff that's become
difficult to access through "normal" channels.

www.nando.net seems to load okay, if slowly, as well.

It's interesting how the TV-based websites (cnn, msnbc, etc) got knocked
offline before paper-based and netonly-based.


Scott Call	Router Geek, ATGi, home of $6.95 Prime Rib
 "[Fairy Tales] are more than true. Not because they tell us that dragons
 exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be defeated"
       --G.K. Chesterton

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