12000 ACL issue

Goodwin, Dustin T [IT] dustin.t.goodwin at ssmb.com
Sat Oct 20 00:15:56 UTC 2001

Obey the power point presentation.

6513 with redundant sup and sfm gives you 9 usable slots. Each DFC card
gives 15 Mpps forwarding and 16 GE ports. So that is in marketing land 144
GE ports and 135 Mpps. Plus netflow for accounting. 

Plus ACLs like the PFC2 has? 

Now throw in the new OSR line cards that can do traffic policing or shaping
for thousands of flows at line rate using the PXF processor array.

The goods news, it's real fast (maybe). The bad news, you can't afford to
buy it. 

- Dustin -

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