Next NANOG (really off topic)

Howard C. Berkowitz hcb at
Thu Mar 1 16:35:11 UTC 2001

>On Thu, 1 Mar 2001, Simon Lockhart wrote:
>>  One thing which I would find useful is connectivity which extends into the
>>  hotel rooms themselves. Wireless would be nice, but most hotels don't cope
>>  with this very well. One conference I went to (I can't remember if it was
>>  NANOG or USENIX) provided dial-in on a hotel extension, which was useful!
>The hotel of the future, giving you 10/100 switched ethernet to the room
>(a hub at extra charge), and the hotel then gets an uplink to X NSP, based
>on number of rooms and average usage.
>Along with that comes online gaming among hotel guests (you can have a PC
>installed - laptop for the suites - for extra charge), with online games
>installed, where hotel guests connect to a hotel gaming server (quake
>server for example), and play among themselves.

If the quake server is a requirement, does that specifically include 
or exclude Seattle?

>Of course, downstairs in the game rooms, there will be also computers who
>can be used for the el-cheapo guests, if they can't afford one in the
>room, in order to play (price/time of usage).
>  >

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