A moment of silence.

Simon Lockhart simonl at rd.bbc.co.uk
Sun Jun 3 20:42:02 UTC 2001

>Since you brought it up......I have been to Abovenet's facility at 8100
>Boone.  Is it empty or what?

I was last there about 6 months ago. The bits I saw were full (in fact, I 
had to fight with Abovenet to get a single rack!).

I believe that many colos are feeling the pressure from the .com collapse 
(in London, I know of colo providers who suddenly have multiple 10k sq ft 
suites available).

Simon Lockhart                       |   Tel: +44 (0)1737 839676 
Internet Engineering Manager         |   Fax: +44 (0)1737 839516 
BBC Internet Services                | Email: Simon.Lockhart at bbc.co.uk 
Kingswood Warren,Tadworth,Surrey,UK  |   URL: http://support.bbc.co.uk/

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