UUNET peering policy

Steve Meuse smeuse at genuity.net
Mon Jan 15 15:21:26 UTC 2001

DISCLAIMER: Personal opinions

At 03:33 PM 01/14/2001 -0800, Sean Donelan wrote:

>It will be interesting to see what happens in 12 months when UUNET
>retroactively applies their policy to existing private interconnections.

As I read it:

 From http://www2.uu.net/peering/

"and adjusts the minimum operating requirements to current traffic levels.."

>What if you are a web hosting company with data centers in a few large
>cities (chi, dal, la, nyc, sf) and don't meet UUNET's requirement to
>be located in 15 US states.

Then you have not made the same investment in infrastructure, and therefore 
are not a *peer*.

>What if you are a major Canadian provider
>with POPs in every province from coast to coast, but only a few locations
>across the border in the USA.  What if you are a major South American or
>African provider covering those entire continents, but with little
>presence in UUNET's strongholds of US, Europe and Asia.

The International problem is definitely a different issue. The existing 
model will probably hold true until the US is no longer the "center" of the 
network (traffic wise).

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