Reasons why BIND isn't being upgraded

Adam McKenna adam at
Sun Feb 4 20:07:49 UTC 2001

On Sun, Feb 04, 2001 at 03:01:14PM -0500, Steve Sobol wrote:
> Any flames sent my way will be accepted graciously -- but they won't
> change my opinion.
> Adam McKenna wrote:
> > | The Vixie cluster of companies---Vixie Enterprises, Nominum, Vayusphere,
> > | PAIX, M.I.B.H. (swalloed by Metromedia), etc.---is already doing its
> > | best to make money off BIND. They give us configuration problems and
> > | then sell support services; they give us reliability problems and then
> > | sell backup services; they give us security problems and then sell early
> > | access to security information.
> Frankly - and this is my own opinion here as I have no formal association
> with Paul Vixie or any of his business enterprises[0] - this isn't fair.

I just thought it was interesting.  Obviously he is coming from a different
perspective than any of us (that of a competitor), but he does have a point.

> WRT Config issues: Hello, people... this was a major-version upgrade... it
> behooves you to do what I am going to do as soon as I am ready to upgrade, 
> and test out all of your zones on another machine before deploying on the
> production boxen. I understand that many of you are running a significantly
> larger number of zones than I am. I do not think, in most cases, that that
> would preclude testing before deployment.


Since you have just given me an excuse to post, I wanted to point out that
I have written a BIND-to-djbdns migration guide, which is available at .  It's still pretty much
a first draft and I welcome any comments.


Adam McKenna <adam-sig at> | "No matter how much it changes,   |  technology's just a bunch of wires 
GPG: 17A4 11F7 5E7E C2E7 08AA        |  connected to a bunch of other wires."
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