Regarding global BGP community values

Tony Li tony1 at
Wed Oct 13 05:27:54 UTC 1999

"Alex P. Rudnev" wrote:

> The growth itself do not cause the problems, but in conjunction with the
> poor router implementation (which cause 60,000 routes to use 30 MB of the
> RAM - that means 500 bytes for every prefix -:) and numerous memory leaks
> in the router implementation cause the problem. If we look around, we'll
> see existing computers (including embedded ones) have not CPU and memory
> problems, and all problems we see with the routers are mainly caused by
> the bad implemented text.

I, and the rest of the Internet community, would like to invite you to start a
router company and show us how it can be done with far less memory.


More seriously, you might take a look around and note that there are not a
great deal of difference in the amount of memory needed to support a prefix
across the various well-known implementations.  Which is not to say that we're
blameless, just that a lot of good people have worked hard and are all equally
incompetent at conserving memory while simultaneously producing a scalable,
stable, feature-rich implementation.


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