Whois on CDROM

Andrea Di Lecce slinky at rogerswave.ca
Sat Sep 26 04:17:35 UTC 1998

At 13:02 9/25/98 -0400, you wrote:
>How Clintonesque a definition:  emailing to 100,000 and guerilla marketing
>does not equal UCE/spam.

Heh.  I don't buy their explanation either - if you look closely at the
node from UUNet that the spam was sent out on, you'll see it came from San
Diego.  The domain name is registered to an address in San Diego.
Coincidence ?  Hrm.

Here are some articles on the fate of those behind this fiasco.  


You'll notice in the Wired article that one of the people involved admits
that the list was for marketing.. "demographic research for direct mail
campaigns."  Grr.  I hope the list didn't go too far.


Andrea Di Lecce                     (416) 935-5700
Rogers at Home Network Operations
1 Mount Pleasant Road, Toronto, M4Y 2Y5

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