European/Asian equivalents to NANOG?

bmanning at bmanning at
Sat Sep 5 17:19:04 UTC 1998

> There is, of course, worldwide input into the NANOG list.  Are there
> equivalent  and active lists for European and Asian ISPs?  If so, how does
> one sign up?  I'm giving an European routing tutorial and want to be able
> to refer students to appropriate lists/web pages on exterior routing in
> their regions.
> IEPG, of course, also applies.
> Thanks.
> Howard

Here is the same data I provided to a couple others who are trying
to reach operational people. They are not perfect but they do reach some
set of operations staff.  

	eof-list at
	apops at

I'll also note that some lists restrict who can subscribe, based on 
verifiable origin.
Note that having world-wide input into NANOG kind of defeats its purpose.


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