
cgomes at cgomes at
Mon Jun 8 21:26:47 UTC 1998


Nothing is being offered that cannot be delivered.  The regulations of each
country code TLD registry are followed.


-----Original Message-----
From: Winfried Haug [mailto:nanog at]
Sent: Monday, June 08, 1998 5:03 PM
To: Gomes, Chuck
Cc: sjsobol at; chris at; nanog at
Subject: Re: WorldNIC


> Chris,
> idNames, now a part of Network Solutions, offers registration in country
code TLDs
> for companies that would like to do that.  Is that fraud?  What am I
missing here?

well you are offering something you cant deliver... we are just about
to register domains in 30 countries for 2 customers and a lot of NICs
want a trademark
proof, that this company has a trademark in this country..
second: often the company must have an address in this country... e.g
you cant register a domain in the TLD of germany .DE if you cant
provide an adddress in germany.

what are you doing, if your customer doesnt have a "real" address in
germany ? you have lost.... btw: the german NIC is a real desaster

To do this kind of job, you need a *lot* of letters, papers etc to complete
it in all the interesting TLDs...

Well every company can do their business, i think over 17.000.- is a lot
of money...but everybody can decide to get to Worldnic or not :-)))


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