Sprint's New ION products

Dean Anderson dean at av8.com
Thu Jun 4 20:41:56 UTC 1998

At 9:37 AM -0400 6/4/98, Bret McDanel wrote:
>I dont think that is what was implied off their web page press release
>(really easy to find, goto their page, goto press releases it should be the
>first one or two :)
>They said that they would provide online access, multiple voice calls,
>faxes, etc at the same time on an existing telephone line (I read 'an
>existing telephone line' to be a pair of wires, however they may be using 2
>pair since most houses are wired with that)..
>But you are supposed to get everything at the same time on the same wire..
>Cable modems for the last mile wouldnt allow this..  xDSL wouldnt allow
>this, at least not in its present implementation..
>I think the marketing guys made a promise or two that they cannot yet
>deliver (however the article did say that there were a few new patents on
>this technology, which means that its new and buggy more than likely :)

No, I think they mean H.323 (voice over IP).  Then you just need a box at
the customer end to split out the voice packets to a telephone, and a phone
switch that can send voice calls to IP.


           Plain Aviation, Inc                  dean at av8.com
           LAN/WAN/UNIX/NT/TCPIP/DCE      http://www.av8.com
           We Make IT Fly!                (617)242-3091 x246

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