Why does Sprint have address filters again?

Roeland M.J. Meyer rmeyer at mhsc.com
Mon Jun 1 15:40:10 UTC 1998

At 02:16 AM 6/1/98 -0700, Patrick W. Gilmore wrote:
>At 12:52 PM 5/31/98 -0700, Roeland M.J. Meyer wrote:
>>There is a definite business case for portable /21's. First off, I
>>understand the technical need to limit ASN's to /19's so I don't need
>>lecture #101. However, those limits were set quite some time ago. When can
>>we reduce them? Has technology stood still?
>You understand "the technical need to limit ASN's to /19's"?  I don't,
>perhaps you could explain it to me.  

I agreed to the stipulation, in advance so I wouldn't get lecture #101, yet
again. The issue here is that ASN's get around prefix filtering, to my
understanding. If everyone had an ASN then we'd be right back to they
problem that started prefix filtering in the first place, ever growing, and
humongous, router tables. Legacy routers have problems with this. 

Damn! Now you gotten *me* to send lecture #101, sheesh! |;-)

>I have a whole bunch of multi-homed
>downstreams who have /21s or /20s - with their own ASNs.  Should we just
>give them more space?  Or are they "not allowed" to multi-home?  What am I

Read the current ARIN pages. Unless I read them wrong, an ASN now requires
a /19 to go with it. Anything less will not be approved. Existing /20's and
/21's are under legacy grand-fathering. 

>>Roeland M.J. Meyer, ISOC (InterNIC RM993) 
>Patrick W. Gilmore                      voice: +1-650-482-2840
>Director of Operations, CCIE #2983        fax: +1-650-482-2844
>PRIORI NETWORKS, INC.                    http://www.priori.net
>              "Tomorrow's Performance.... Today"

Roeland M.J. Meyer, ISOC (InterNIC RM993) 
e-mail: <mailto:rmeyer at mhsc.com>rmeyer at mhsc.com
Internet phone: hawk.mhsc.com
Personal web pages: <http://www.mhsc.com/~rmeyer>www.mhsc.com/~rmeyer
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