NSPs and filters

Paul Ferguson pferguso at cisco.com
Sat Jul 12 12:34:35 UTC 1997

FYI, this type of ingress filtering has been documented in

- paul

At 09:44 PM 07/11/97 -0400, Jon Lewis wrote:

>Why is it that the NSPs I've encountered refuse to do any sort of sanity
>filtering on their customer connections?  i.e. If UUNet knows that FDT has
>only 205.229.48/20 and 208.215.0/20, why should they let me send traffic
>through their network with random source addresses?
>FDT has been the target of forged source address UDP attacks for the past
>2 days.  It's all being stopped at our router that takes our UUNet T1, but
>the extra T1 traffic is causing UUNet's usually unreliable network to be
>even less reliable, and we've lost connectivity to UUNet several times
>this evening.
>  5 minute input rate 1326000 bits/sec, 318 packets/sec
>  5 minute output rate 469000 bits/sec, 286 packets/sec
>PUNet suppost says there's nothing they can do, and that I should talk to
>their security people about buying a firewall for FDT on monday...like a
>firewall on our side of the T1 is going to do us a lot of good....
> Jon Lewis <jlewis at fdt.net>  |  Unsolicited commercial e-mail will
> Network Administrator       |  be proof-read for $199/message.
> Florida Digital Turnpike    |  
>________Finger jlewis at inorganic5.fdt.net for PGP public key_______

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