SNMP probers

Michael Dillon michael at
Wed Apr 9 15:58:21 UTC 1997

On Wed, 9 Apr 1997, Randy Bush wrote:

> So every day some poor NOC person has to search these folk down with the
> great tools we have, send email, get told they're nazi idiots, ...
> So what do folk do about this?

Design a Go-Away MIB, register it with IANA, convince equipment vendors to
support the MIB such that there is a filter table of allowed addresses for
SNMP queries and anyone not on that list gets the Go-Away MIB. The MIB
just needs a String that says Go Away (or your choice of message) and 
a few other items that return random numbers.

Or someone could do a Tony Bates impression and collect the naughty SNMP
prober data from various providers and post a weekly hall of shame report
to this list. If there are a significant number of non-providers then this
list could also be posted on a USENET snmp group and on a web page.

Michael Dillon                   -               Internet & ISP Consulting
Memra Software Inc.              -                  Fax: +1-250-546-3049             -               E-mail: michael at

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