You are right [was Re: Ungodly packet loss rates]

alex at alex at
Wed Oct 23 12:49:45 UTC 1996

>   Well, besides being interesting ISP comparison *may* not be as objective and
>   informative as we'd like to. In addition, what technique do you propose for
>   such comparison? Just asking customers aren't enough, IMHO. And you can't
>   count *every* ISP, even in the US...
As for me, it is interesting two technoques used simultaneously:

1) Journal  asks ISP to make dialup-IP and 64K account for the testing;
and asks where they coud try T1 connection.

2) Journal bue (anonimously) dialup account from the same ISP's.

Then, every day in 1 months (or some 5 different days during this months)
they measure CPS for - WWW to some interesting pages, FTP from some servers,
quality of real-audio connections, etc...

Then (since 1 months) it will be very interestind data.

But I am afrayd we'll see quite another picture - "we prefere XXX because
they sell dialup-kit with MS Exploper, and do not recommend YYY because
in our ONLY ftp test from CPS was 5% less than in our 10
ftp tests via XXX_, or something simular.

>   My 2c,
>   Edgar
>   --
>   Edgar V.S. Der-Danieliantz      Armenia Network Information Center
>   hostmaster at            Azatootianne 1, Yerevan, Armenia
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