Withdrawls and announcements attempt 2

Curtis Villamizar curtis at ans.net
Fri Jun 21 16:51:13 UTC 1996

In message <96Jun21.112023+0100_edt.20689+60 at chops.icp.net>, Sean Doran writes:
> Keeping track of the state of who got announced what is likely
> to be a very very very bad idea for busy BGP talkers carrying
> today's amount of NLRI and instability.
> There are some hacks around the simplistic "if it's in my RIB,
> I have to propagate withdrawals to all my neighbours" for some
> cases, but a more comprehensive fix would require some Thinking.
> This should probably get migrated over to the BGP list.
> 	Sean.

Its a solved problem, solved in gated more than 2 years ago.  Dennis
did some real good work in that area.  No need to continue on any


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